Who are the fishermen?
Shellfish peeler workers are fishermen.
Ibu Suntiah and other women in the Tanjung Mas Coast of Semarang, Central Java, are green calms peelers. They are paid around Rp 5.000 per kilogram. On average they spend 4-5 hours per day working as fisherfolk. The peeled clams are then processed into processed shellfish and some of them are distributed to the market and finally arrive on our dining table. Shellfish peeler women are fisherwomen who ensure that the protein of the Indonesian people is met.

Salted fish makers are fishermen.
One of the productive jobs of fisherwomen is making salted fish. On the coast of Nambangan (Surabaya), Kampung Kurnia (Medan), and Branta Pesisir (Pamekasan) about 95-97% of salted fish workers are women, either as laborers or processing salted fish independently. How to salt fish? Firstly, The fish caught are cleaned, then salted, the next step is fileted (dibebeti) and dried in the jerebeng (board). Female workers are paid Rp. 13,000 per board. This activity is carried out from 2 to 9 in the morning.

Salt Farmers are also Fishermen.
Besides being a basic need for every household in Indonesia, salt is also needed by the industry. As much as 84% of salt production is used by industry. On the coast of Jerowaru, East Lombok and Dewantara, North Aceh, about 60-65% of salt farmers are women. The women worked as salt carriers, loading salt in sacks and repairing the curing of salt water.